ManageTech Consultants
MANAGETECH Consultants
Bridging Technology and Business Process
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 Business Process and Productivity Improvement
An organization invests in technology to operate more effectively and efficiently but it infrequently reaches its potential. Too often, project teams fail to adequately address how a new technology will work with legacy systems or they follow a path of least resistance by allowing old, inefficient business processes to continue that should be overhauled. Often overlooked are the new pockets of inefficien-cies a new technology can introduce.
ManageTech™ provides additional expertise to evaluate and identify the unrealized potential within businesses processes to better leverage an investment in technology. Through a methodical, cross-functional review, we look for constraints, redundancies,
inefficiencies, and other opportunities to achieve a stronger integration and better utilization of a given technology.
We bridge the needs and concerns of your IT group and your business areas to assure good communication and a firm understanding of the objectives, requirements, legacy impact, and the practical capabilities and limitations of a possible technology investment. We enable the organization to develop a more accurate quantification of the cost, benefit, and impact from a potential technology to improve decision-making and planning and better manage risk.
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