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MANAGETECH Consultants
Bridging Technology and Business Process
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 Strategic Technology Application Assessment
Published figures suggest that nearly two-thirds of technology projects fail to meet their objectives and that fifty percent overrun their budgets by two-hundred percent or more. Such staggering figures are very sobering.
Why should you bother?
Well, for one, when done well, the payoff from an investment in technology can be tremendous. If not done, you place at risk your very existence against more effective and efficient competitors.
Clearly, evaluating business opportunities for applying new technology is a profoundly difficult task. ManageTech™ can provide a
uniquely balanced perspective for assessing technology, identifying opportunities for impact, and defining requirements.
We bridge the needs and concerns of your IT group and your business areas to assure good communication and a firm understanding of the objectives, requirements, legacy impact, and the practical capabilities and limitations of a possible technology investment. We enable the organization to develop a more accurate quantification of the cost, benefit, and impact from a potential technology to improve decision-making and planning and better manage risk.
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